Cave Pools
I Took the Road Less Traveled- R.Frost

I started Shanae’s Budget Trips blog because I felt that there is a gap between the myths about traveling and the facts of traveling locally and abroad. The myth is that it is too expensive for “regular” people to travel and that only those with a six-figure income can explore the world.

The truth is that anyone can travel on almost any budget if they have the desire and the right travel dates in mind. Yes, during peak tourist season you are going to pay top dollar to catch a flight and stay in a nice, safe place. The key is to pick dates that are during the offseason. For example, I took my family to Italy and Paris for five days during Thanksgiving break. Apparently, people don’t like to travel during Thanksgiving. That was great for us because the temperature in Italy was sunny and mild, and it only cost us $569 per person for a straight flight and lodging at a four-star hotel. Now what I didn’t know is that based on the number of stars of the hotel they charge a person, per day tax. Make sure you read all the fine print, especially if you are traveling on a budget.

The reality is that there is only so much to see and learn in your own backyard. At one point I began to wonder what else is out there. Does everyone from other countries eat, drink, work and think like Americans, African Americans in particular. And the answer is….wait for it…HELL NO!

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

-Robert Frost

The first time I was in Italy someone asked me “what nationality are you?” My first thought was black, but then I thought African American but then they heard me speak and before I could answer, he said: “you’re American!”

I was in my thirties when I took this trip and I then realized that I had NEVER been referred to as just American in my entire life. My country doesn’t classify people with my skin color as “American.” At home, I was either black, mixed, more than one race, or good ol’ fashioned African American. Abroad I was from America. I was American.

When I walked into a fancy French restaurant in the heart of Paris with my teenage kids I waited a moment to see if they would greet us or if they would ignore our presence. But to my surprise, they welcomed us with open arms. I couldn’t believe it, I just assumed that they would treat us differently, maybe even poorly, but they did not. In broken English, they made us feel welcome and at home, I was pleasantly surprised.

So when people ask why do I travel so much. I say because there is a whole world out there that we don’t even know about. A place where meat is not the staple entree on the menu, a place where families stay together despite living in impoverished conditions, a place where teenagers drink beer and wine freely yet there is less alcoholism, a place where people take naps during the day, and a take longer vacations throughout the year. There is a place where things are different. Not always better, but certainly different.

I started this blog to show people that you don’t have to be rich to take a trip around the globe. You just have to want to explore!


Shanae Hall

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”

– Unknown